Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Hope you get something useful out of this page. If not, hope you were entertained. If not, well, i don't know why you're here. Maybe cuz i begged and grovelled.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

i saw a pigeon poop while it was walking
it was quite whimsical.

on that note its finally cooled down a lot and is nice weather once again. sun and warm and still shorts weather if u really wanted to.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

lemme tell you about how I got attacked by a giant spider in my apartment. There i was getting ready for bed when i step into the living room and there was the biggest spider i ever saw, about the size of a full grown rottweiler with its eight beady little eyes staring at me , its two glistening fangs ready to devour me.... i looked to the groudn and there was adrian knocked senseless and wrapped in a cocoon of spider webbing... my first instinct was to kick it and it sunk its teeth into the bottom of my foot as i was stepping down on its head....
ok. whatever. that was just for pure entertainment value. My foot though, did have two holes in it (the bottom of my foot.) that were bleeding profusely till I had to get adrian to put two bandaids on it cuz i have to climb in bed (literally) and couldn't really move ... anyway, what happened was there was some thirty hour famine hat that was lying on the ground and the metal thingy that is used as the adjuster for the cap was sticking out of the ground like a land mine and I had to step on it. TAlk about being injured in the weirdest places. I never knew the bottom of my foot could bleed so much. Anyway, it hurt like anything (Worse than a dislocated shoulder or a Sprained MCL) but it went away.. I think I' mprone to injury. Anyway, now i have two scars on the bottom of my feet.

Whoo hoo! Justis and Katie are coming to visit me!!! I can't wait!! Its soo exciting!.. but I also got a ton of work i need to do tomorrow too :P blah.... ah well... stupid studio along with a gabillion other things that are starting to pile up like above my head.

Man, I have no idea whats up with this psycho weather that we've been having. Its like a boiler. I think I need to turn off my other computer again just in case i boil to death from all this excess heat. I chugged so much water today.... and had good brownies (Thanks GRAMMA FOX!) Thats todd's gramma if u were wondering why i'd call an old lady gramma a fox. his name is TODD FOX.

I think Latimer's brain is getting to heavy for his neck. He woke up with a crink in his neck and couldn't turn his head today. Poor lat. oh well. he has to work out his neck in order to support that big brilliant brain of his.

ok. time to go bathe in my sweat.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Well, here we are , Lat and myself sitting in the dead of the night (well its more like 11pm sunday nite) 12 ohurs before we have to hand in something for tomorrow. Mine, I worked on it for about 4 hours (trying to come up with some rhetorical statement that consists of two sentences) and still have no idea what i am going to talk about.

My brain is a wee tired today from a weekend of philosophical discussion over various meals and korean food. I think the KimChi is starting its work on my bowels.

Anyway, the temperature seems to be cooler at night so it makes sleeping more pleasant. That and the fact I finally did my laundry from like last year. HAHAHHAHA scares you doesnt it. Its probably true (most of you are probably super disgusted at this idea and thought ) But really, I don't smell at all.

Alli seems to be adjusting quite well to the japanese life getting a cell phone for like 45 bux. COME ON! (Told you alli, low rates. cuz of economy down fall.) Say, did you go check out those beef don places yet? (no beef don is not some mafia cow.)

Lat and Joe are now talking about some precedent study that Lat is yapping about that pertains to the 'gospel' of architecture. I'm soscrewed for tomorrow. Thats all I can say.
I hope i can pull something out of my anus that sounds half as good as what lat was talking about.

Eep. anyway, waiting for the printer to print now. Curse of Jon:Printers will fail whenever deadlines are due. J/j. HAVE A LIL' FAITH!!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

its soooo hoot....
but cooling down.

Monday, September 09, 2002

Its so hot here in Montreal... its like 30 Degrees... probably like in the 90's for you American readers.... yeesh. and to top it off, there's no A/C in the apartment except for the occasional breeze that whizzes through the apartment carrying like hot air through the apartment.
i've turned off my gazillion gadgets that create heat in the house. Adrian's gone so that lowers the temperature as well.. You know its pretty crazy how much heat the body does emit... hence in one of our rooms at school where the air is heavy and the sleep is plentiful, once there's like 20 ppl in there, the temperature and smells change drastically.

Adrian's gone to TO for the week to make his music video.... that should be interesting. It will be kinda cool too hahahha. I've always wanted to make music videos.. or at least be in one. be a backstreet boy or something.

Man, as i'm typing this, i'm also waiting for the stupid cell fone company to answer my call so that I can verify my plan has changed and sutff... they are such idiots. and they should have a better choice of music as well... Meanwhile, this is a waste of time. Thank God i found the headset.. makes life a lil' easier so i can type this blog and not have the heat of the cell phone pressed against my head inducing the unnecessary sweating that i already have been doing. FINALLY They answered.

I think i' mgonna spend the night at Louis's. He's got a fridge of an apartment so i think that'll suit my thermal comfort.

Friday, September 06, 2002

Well, it has been awhile eh? (See, at this point, people would respond, yes Jon it has.... what a wonderful sound that we end all statements to in Canada. A sound that a lot of americans are catching on to EH? :) )

Well, whats been going on in Jon's non substantial existence? Hmm... not much really, life goes on with all its ups and all its down carried along but knowing God's got my back. That's a great feeling and also assurance that God is there. Been reading proverbs in the Bible lately and getting lotsa good insight about just life. And also remembering 1 Corinthians 6 - how my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.... so we gotta maintain it. hahhaha and keep it pure... :) amongst other things.

Hmm... speaking of maintaining the temple, so there I was at the gym the other day and just working out. After my regular lifting weights (why? I don't know why I lift chunks of steel to build my muscles when i could just be walking to the grocery store and lugging home stuff and helping old ladies do the same) and blasting the sandbag with a fury of fists, i finished off the day at teh gym with some stretching. So while there I was trying not to wince in pain as the pain shot through my now somewhat, inflexible arms and legs, a girl sits down next to me to start her stretch routine. As she was coming over, i noticed the areas under her arms were quite bushy as she was wearing a tank top. To top it all off as I got up cuz I was done stretching, I noticed her legs had just as much as hair as there was on my head... i was thoroughly disturbed. I often wonder why hair is never perceived to be beautiful on woman (other than on the tops of their heads) cuz it is just plain disgusting to me. Perhaps hair is a sign of masculinity . Who knows. I dont . and I still wont. All i know is Girls, SHAVE. I don't care if its winter and you're wearing long pants cuz u never know when your pant legs might reveal a bit more when you sit down revealing an animal of a growth. and you never know sometimes when you're wearing a t-shirt and you lift up your arms and flash us guys with like your armpits.


Anyway. thats that. So Masters. yes. we've started and there's about 30 Master students in my class. Most of our classes our pretty ok thus far but Urban planning is gonna be a long one. The teacher is reminiscent of Yoda.... SHE, is an old british lady who totally has a british sense of humor that our entire class doesn't really get and mumbles a lot.... imagine her "plan, or do not plan, there is no try." (in a yoda voice.) although she doesnt sound like yoda. Anyway, i must say that room we have our class in (Pretty much all our classes) is sooooo hot and incondusive for good lectures. Its hot, and humid and just smells GROSS when there are 30-40 sweaty bodies in there... Why? Cuz its an antithesis of everything architects believe in. Bad circulation, bad lighting, bad seats. and yet? WE STILL HAVE THIS CLASS ROOM! what a Paradox.

WEll, anyway, i just squirted orange juice into eye (From my orange) And need to do the whole chem lab emergency thing and flush my eyeballs...
Until later my faithful BLOG READERS.