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Friday, September 06, 2002

Well, it has been awhile eh? (See, at this point, people would respond, yes Jon it has.... what a wonderful sound that we end all statements to in Canada. A sound that a lot of americans are catching on to EH? :) )

Well, whats been going on in Jon's non substantial existence? Hmm... not much really, life goes on with all its ups and all its down carried along but knowing God's got my back. That's a great feeling and also assurance that God is there. Been reading proverbs in the Bible lately and getting lotsa good insight about just life. And also remembering 1 Corinthians 6 - how my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.... so we gotta maintain it. hahhaha and keep it pure... :) amongst other things.

Hmm... speaking of maintaining the temple, so there I was at the gym the other day and just working out. After my regular lifting weights (why? I don't know why I lift chunks of steel to build my muscles when i could just be walking to the grocery store and lugging home stuff and helping old ladies do the same) and blasting the sandbag with a fury of fists, i finished off the day at teh gym with some stretching. So while there I was trying not to wince in pain as the pain shot through my now somewhat, inflexible arms and legs, a girl sits down next to me to start her stretch routine. As she was coming over, i noticed the areas under her arms were quite bushy as she was wearing a tank top. To top it all off as I got up cuz I was done stretching, I noticed her legs had just as much as hair as there was on my head... i was thoroughly disturbed. I often wonder why hair is never perceived to be beautiful on woman (other than on the tops of their heads) cuz it is just plain disgusting to me. Perhaps hair is a sign of masculinity . Who knows. I dont . and I still wont. All i know is Girls, SHAVE. I don't care if its winter and you're wearing long pants cuz u never know when your pant legs might reveal a bit more when you sit down revealing an animal of a growth. and you never know sometimes when you're wearing a t-shirt and you lift up your arms and flash us guys with like your armpits.


Anyway. thats that. So Masters. yes. we've started and there's about 30 Master students in my class. Most of our classes our pretty ok thus far but Urban planning is gonna be a long one. The teacher is reminiscent of Yoda.... SHE, is an old british lady who totally has a british sense of humor that our entire class doesn't really get and mumbles a lot.... imagine her "plan, or do not plan, there is no try." (in a yoda voice.) although she doesnt sound like yoda. Anyway, i must say that room we have our class in (Pretty much all our classes) is sooooo hot and incondusive for good lectures. Its hot, and humid and just smells GROSS when there are 30-40 sweaty bodies in there... Why? Cuz its an antithesis of everything architects believe in. Bad circulation, bad lighting, bad seats. and yet? WE STILL HAVE THIS CLASS ROOM! what a Paradox.

WEll, anyway, i just squirted orange juice into eye (From my orange) And need to do the whole chem lab emergency thing and flush my eyeballs...
Until later my faithful BLOG READERS.


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