Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Hope you get something useful out of this page. If not, hope you were entertained. If not, well, i don't know why you're here. Maybe cuz i begged and grovelled.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

In hiatus, madly writing songs for some reason....
more later.

Friday, April 25, 2003

I've recently discovered Joanne Cassidy, a songwriter/singer who I found online surfing around for bands. Man, are there a lot of 'unknown' musicians out there. Maybe I'll be one of those internet famous songwriter people who never will get discovered but knows/is friends with a famous person. In the case of Joanne Cassidy, she's buddies with John Mayer because they all went to Berklee together.
I think I'll apply there. Just to meet some famous people. So anyway, check her out website .

I am officially done school for the school year. (Can anyone say, YESSSSSS) Sorry for those of you who will never see the 4 months of endless bliss of break from academia because you work or you're still in highschool or still in exams. (in the famous words of Nelson from the Simpsons. "HA HA")

Anyway, the summer awaits and what a way to greet it by running up the famous Mont Royal. I almost died on the way up. I swear that was like 300 m of vertical stairs with no landings. If I fell, I would have died.
THose stairs are not to standard of the NBC (thats the National Building CODE not National Broadcasting Corporation). Yes, architecture dorkiness oozing out.

I can't believe the year has flown by and I still haven't accomplished anything substantial. Everything is a work in progress.

Well, you live, you learn and you eat.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Life isn't about how you start it but how you finish it...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I think the weather today has gotten the best of everyone. For me, it made me tired and sleepy but that was after I spent hours in the Second Cup Coffee shop down the street reading crap about Urban Planning. The Exam is tomorrow and I'm still reading up on stuff.

Of course tonight, somehow, certain friends of mine got into this huge fallout. Man, it felt awkward and I felt really bad because it just made me sad that friends fight. Of course, I don't want to say who was right and all but man, people are stubborn especially when trying to get our way. I guess that is the downfall of humanity is our own selfish pride sometimes. I'm not saying that my friends are proud, but in someways, perhaps it is the pride of us that does not allow us to change. None of us want to be vulnerable at all nor admit that hey, maybe I'm wrong too even though I may be right to a degree but if everyone is entitled to an opinion, then how do we resolve these situations where opinions will clash? I guess maybe there isn't a proper resolution to everything where both parties have their right but I feel that problems never truly affect the parties directly involved but also other people.

Honestly, I was walking home and man, I just didn't know what I could do. Perhaps it was the feeling of being helpless to do nothing and wanting to give each friend a big hug and say, hey, man, its cool, its ok, and not being able to do that made me just want to cry for them. No i'm not a sissy and don't get me started about showing emotion... I just trying to control my emotions and knowing when to release them and knowing when not to...basically, don't be emotionally constipated.... anyway, sidetracking here....
It just hurts to see friends fight. And to think that I'll be spending an entire week with some friends in a mini-van makes me think, man, time to give a lot of grace.... oh yeah, time to pray too :) (in a good way of course... pray for sanity ) I guess fallouts happen when friends get a bit too close.

"can't we all just get along?"

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Finally, I got my comments thingy posted... Jeez... it took long enough, this template looks simple but man, is it ever a complex HTML code (yes, i'm a computer geek too)
So feel free to write comments.

So, adobo.blogspot.com has now been exposed to the world of newsprint. Mark Reynolds, a reporter for the McGill Reporter (and a nice guy too) interviewed me about my blog and why I write about random rants and things.... well, anyway, thanks to him, my site might be read by McGill students. So what? Well, unless you're looking for random blahs and rants on how McGill rips me off by charging me more for my architectural education and not giving me enough benefits, then, you'll probably just find my tidbits and few pennies worth of wisdom about life. My rants will probably require a new blog which I will not add yet.

So my summer boys and girls, will consist of working on thesis (which reminds me, I need to update my page), travelling to places, helping Justis do stuff for his concert which is on August 16, 2003 at the Markham Performance Center for Arts Hopefully the Eighth Wonder will make an appearance.

Does anyone know anything about audio recording interfaces? Mine is being oh-so-wonderfully uncooperative. It seems when I want to record for others, it likes to not work properly.

The Born-Deliquents Band is ministering through music for a night of worship and just meeting God as a greater Christian Community (other churches especially the asian ones in Montreal wil lbe attending). It starts at 7:30pm April 19, 2003 at Montreal Chinese Alliance Church, 13 Finchley, Hampstead, QC, in the Fischer Hall. Refreshments after (i think).

Did I ever mention how cool God is?

Sunday, April 13, 2003

This is your life, are you who you want to be.....

I really wonder if the Urban Planning Professor will read our group's (as well as 10 others) 50 page Pro-forma Analysis. I'd tell you what it is but I'm not so sure myself. It's basically a bunch of numbers that tell us the project we propose doesn't work.

It's gorgeous outside. I think I like it when it's sunny and warm. So for those of you who like to complain about life and how nothing ever goes your way, take a moment to chase a squirrel, kick a pigeon, and frolick in the sun. Enjoy it before our environment goes to shot. (well, i'm being a cynic aren't I? ) Enjoy it while some of us have to look at Excel and think about the next exam on Wednesday. I'll try to enjoy it though. I think it's supposed to rain.

2 more weeks until I will be liberated once again from the chains of academia only to be enslaved by the ever-ubiquitous thought of thesis.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

So a guy from McGill Reporter emailed me to ask me about my blog. Interesting.

Actually my life has been interesting from our neighbors who take naked pictures of themselves to the notes that come out of my rear end and having the ability to identify them. Yes. it definitely has been interesting.

I just want to say on a more serious note that life is totally worth living for even when you think your life is a pile of fecal matter just because you got dumped or your relationships don't work out. Hey, we've all been there but you're not fighting for your life nor living your life in fear of someone close to you passing on. Or maybe you are, but if you look at the little things, how you even have the privilege of reading my insignificant thoughts (i.e., you have access to a computer and have the money provided to do so), you most likely have a house/roof over your head, friends who definitely love you. (If I know you, I do care about you even if you don't know it.), and the list goes on. It's hard not to complain but hey, look outside, we've got air, we've got water, we probably have an education of some form or another, we all have our brains... life doesn't stop here. ... I can't stand it when people (even myself) start complaining about the challenges of my so - called life when people are dying from diseases and struggling to survive in war torn places... and I realize, man, I'm blessed... Either, i keep wallowing and be selfish and drown in self-pity and let life's beautiful opportunities fly by, or see what God's given me and make the best of it.

For me, I believe in God and believe in all the amazing things He's given me and just to see His glory revealed in creation and in people even though we screw up. but hey, we live we learn and hopefully, we live and learn the right way.

Live a lot, complain less. I think there's a good reason for whoever coined the term " stop and smell the flowers..."

Even Ralph Waldo Emerson says the key to success is :

"To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."