Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Hope you get something useful out of this page. If not, hope you were entertained. If not, well, i don't know why you're here. Maybe cuz i begged and grovelled.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Hello Faithful Readers of this barely known blog. I haven't updated and for that I apologize. There is nothing exciting in my life or rather, I probably don't really feel like writing these days cuz i am totally uninspired in all aspects of my life including school etc. Brain seems to be not wanting to run. Need a booster shot in my brain or something. I wish they made some sorta of pill to make brain's work faster and more efficient without the damage. (Yes, we have something called speed.)

Oh. There are pictures of my October Boston Trip.

hit the link Jon's Fun Trip to Boston and Rhode Island

Enjoy. Say, how come no one emails me? J/j. I'd probably send you about how fun life is :) and indeed, it is fun. No sarcasm there

Monday, October 07, 2002

Due to Adrian's comment on the spelling errors on this page... I've decided to carefully type each word and make sure I spell everyfing corectlee. hahahha. ok. seriously, I will make an attempt to proof read the spelling before I hit the Post button.

Can anyone say, "DRUGS?" yeah, thats what I need a lot of lately... to help me sleep. well, just for tonite, i got a stash of Wagamama's (AKA Joey joe joe) Codine. Yes. STarting to feel its effects on my brain : i.e., drowsiness....
but hasn't really helped with the cough... Anyway, i think i am going to lysol this keyboard...
off to bed with me!

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Wow. what a sunny day. Lemme begin with telling you how I woke up at 11 am and had to do my hour shift at 11:30.
i got there and thought that there would be the other guy who i work with, GUIDO, to be there to help me with the crazy onslaught of customers who come into the cafe to replenish their caffeine and get their sandwiches and calzones. (ask me if u have no idea what a calzone is... anyone see the Seinfeld episode where George's boss wants calzone for lunch?) Anyway, i thought he'd be coming but oh no, I was left there creating a monster line up that snaked its way into the halls of the Macdonald Harrington Ground floor level....well. not really. but of course, with all blogs, one needs to exaggerate.... Anyway, i was madly searching for coffee (Becuz we have to replace the filter everytime we make it...) And didn't realize we had a coffee grounder. Crazee.... thank God that I figured out how to work the thing and that it was automatic....
But then during one time i was trying to replace it, I totally forgot i hadn't put the filter in and started grinding... oops. realized too late :P i salvaged most of it but still :P
anyway, all in all i guess it wasn't too bad and it kept me really busy but I dont know if the food service department is for me. Satisfy the customer... make things efficient... thank God it wasn't a mcDonald's and the fact that the food is worth waiting for (At least on campus) made people some what patient (unlike certain people who i've seen at McD's giving crap to the people about how they are not giving the appropriate 'service' for a fast food restaurant.) Ah well... life goes on.

Last night, I was checking out alli's site when I was taking a break from attacking cardboard with my Olfa knife, i came across her gay asian friend's website. Alli, i must say, he's quite the character......why is it that being artsy fartsy must deem one to have a tendency to be on the fruity side? Hey, I'm artsy fartsy but am by no means 'curly' (thanks shummy for that hahhaa). IT still fascinates me how sexual orientation works. (OOPS i used the S-E-X word. Are you 18 or older? hahaha j/j.) ah well... anyway, human nature is just messed up... hence the need for something to save us all :) Sometimes the answer is there peepo. just gotta pay attention (at this point as you are reading, listen to 8W and Epidemic's Pay attention track.. the piano lick should start playing as you read... gotta pay attention...)

ok... enough for now. I am craving some PHo rite now.

Its 1:13 am and here i am with two other people cutting away at our contour relief model of our site :P You know, you people who do not understand the pain and time that go into models ought to appreciate the model no matter how ugly it may appear becuz seriously, you don't know how much pain and toil and cans of Dr. Pepper/coke/caffienated drinks, and adrenaline rushes, go into making models.

Anyway, thought I'd mention that. On that note. THe weather here is crazy again and life is picking up.
but i have my Phad Thai (mild) and i'm happy.

Oh, my self produced CD (From the cover, the music, etc...) Simply Said (1st Edition) is coming out soon!!! Email me about it if you want a copy.... self produced and really budget production...