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Monday, September 09, 2002

Its so hot here in Montreal... its like 30 Degrees... probably like in the 90's for you American readers.... yeesh. and to top it off, there's no A/C in the apartment except for the occasional breeze that whizzes through the apartment carrying like hot air through the apartment.
i've turned off my gazillion gadgets that create heat in the house. Adrian's gone so that lowers the temperature as well.. You know its pretty crazy how much heat the body does emit... hence in one of our rooms at school where the air is heavy and the sleep is plentiful, once there's like 20 ppl in there, the temperature and smells change drastically.

Adrian's gone to TO for the week to make his music video.... that should be interesting. It will be kinda cool too hahahha. I've always wanted to make music videos.. or at least be in one. be a backstreet boy or something.

Man, as i'm typing this, i'm also waiting for the stupid cell fone company to answer my call so that I can verify my plan has changed and sutff... they are such idiots. and they should have a better choice of music as well... Meanwhile, this is a waste of time. Thank God i found the headset.. makes life a lil' easier so i can type this blog and not have the heat of the cell phone pressed against my head inducing the unnecessary sweating that i already have been doing. FINALLY They answered.

I think i' mgonna spend the night at Louis's. He's got a fridge of an apartment so i think that'll suit my thermal comfort.


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