Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Hope you get something useful out of this page. If not, hope you were entertained. If not, well, i don't know why you're here. Maybe cuz i begged and grovelled.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Back in the apple.

I ate my first non-meat meal yesterday. Surprisingly, it was pretty good. Thank you people of South Asia for discovering curry. Once in awhile I think I can do that but nothing tastes as good as a good ole piece of pork chop.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

In response to Adrian's comment on the price of street meat: 4 dollars is about 5.20 canadian. And when you are making USD's then i guess its just face value. But who knows, its all relative to the cheapness of everything else I have eaten. 2.75 in Chinatown means like 4 dollars CDN. But then again, who cares?

I'm back in Montreal for about a week and it's great to see people after 2 months of isolation in NYC. well not really. I've really experienced the extremes of social interaction from seeing no one in one month to having visitors every weekend.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

1 Good thing about New York out of the 364009093 crappy things is the street meat: halal food - Chicken on rice price: $4.

on another note, i don't have a counter anymore so leave a note so i know you visited. Say hi, tell me you love me or hate me, lemme know you're alive, dead, pending, undefined, primordial, evolving whatever.

the apple smells real bad.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Terrorist Alert- go ahead, urban renewal is needed.

MTA- you need to get off your lazy butts and make more trains run local stops and not fool people into thinking that the train is local and changing the sign when the doors close. I don't like using the word hate, but tonight, you have made me hate you even more because you are not considerate of those people who are basically waiting for you to speed up the train while we lose oxygen and water from our bodies.

I'm just cranky. it is 1 am and it took me over an hour to get home from a trip that should have been about 20 minutes.

I realize why people here are so cranky now.