Tomorrow is my parent's early 25th anniversary dinner/banquet where they are inviting the friends that they have known either recently or in the past 20 odd years of my existence and beyond, to a night of gluttony and a nostalgic trip down memory lane. That task of taking about 120 people down memory lane has been entrusted to my somewhat elusive memory of which I can only recall specific instances (such as embarassing moments invovling bees, wasps (your choice) and chicken noodle soup in Gr. 5 and a firedrill) without the aid of the ever growing volumes of dustfilled photo albums that occupy over 10 5 inch binders. However, of course, it is always somewhat enjoyable to laugh at pictures that were taken prior to my fetal existence of my parents that involved two piece swimsuits, bad hair cuts , tight fitting bell bottom jeans and large sun glasses. Of course, its hard to imagine two people having met each other, dated, and fell in love and turned out to be middle aged naggers who think you have chicken pox after seeing weird spots on my biceps as a result of sleeping on a nasty old carpeted floor that has never really been cleaned. (Yes, another story. another time)
But I still love 'em. It still is hard to imagine how they coped with each other for 25 years and more (since they did know each other before they got married) and still do cope with each other. Most of you guys i've known, I've only coped with for like 5-6 years MAX. hahahhaa (Well, of course, other than my boys that i've grown up with and have known since we were still crapping in our pants and having to wear the brown corduroys that were always hidden in the bathroom shelf in the Presbytarian Pre-school) But I am digressing. Of course, the thick and thins of life and not knowing how to cope with one another I guess is always something to note that they have always tried to overcome and I guess it is important for them to celebrate with their friends after having been away for the past 11 years from the ones that have helped them develop spiritually as well as parents and people who have gone through, wrestled, and fought valiantly the angst of their children and instilling some sense of ethics/morales within my brothers and I. Of course, bringing in another child into this world when I was 13 and to begin parenting from scratch was another challenge while dealing with pubscent angst of two boys was probably not an easy feat. With the help of God, along with each other, and friends, I think we turned out ok (my brother and I) .... at least I think so.
I can't see myself where they are right now. Maybe they do deserve this 'celebration' although it seems to be a little over ambitious with all the silver tassles that they (i.e. my maternal unit) would like over all the gaudy chinese restaurant wall paper. Regardless, its more for them than anyone else I guess. I hope its not to impress people or have a moment to 'shine'. I guess I will never understand it till i am married for 25 years or maybe I won't see it like that when I'm there. Or. maybe its reliving the day they got married (at least for my mom) since weddings always seem to be a thing all girls/women of all ages want. It's the marraige part i think they forget. All their youth and vigor placed into one day. So when the 25th anniversary rolls around, its another chance to relive that.
Ok. Too tired... have to finish this trip. I'm only half way through. well, actually a quarter of the way through. well, I don't know. There are too many years and photos to flip through. Minimum input. Maximum Results.