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Tuesday, December 24, 2002

It's a little dark for 4:30 pm. Well, actually it feels like it has been dark all day. For more personal reasons I'd rather not disclose at the moment, I must say that sometimes, the methodology to determine one's grade in theory/philosophical type classes is baffling. So, lets just say that I've been praying a lot and trying to figure out why the mark I got is what my final mark and determines the outcome of my entire master's career. I don't understand a lot and I don't claim i do but I did put in a lot of work and that I can swear before God that I did put in a decent amount of work. Perhaps not my best work but I still don't deserve what I got. It's too bad i didn't heed a friend's warning "Oh don't check your marks now... " after I found out my mark. See, the Internet can be a harbinger of doom and chaos as I have so often discovered. The last few days have been like, "What? Am I stupid?" or "Is this a sign that architecture is no longer my calling?" or "what the heck?" in the end, I sought to seek answers to all the questions that arose or will arise because of that. I realize I cannot let things sit still nor can I repress them and pretend everything is flowing like a well shook bubble tea. That's where I realize the importance of my faith and the promises that lie within an ancient text that has irrefutably altered many lives to live throughout history with a hope beyond this life.
I can't say I am comfortable with this burning image of this mark that stuck out at me from the unofficial transcript of Jonathan Ho and it still haunts me in my dreams. STill, there's this peace. Funny. So hard to trust and so hard to really believe that God's placed me in architecture for some purpose. If you read this, God's still listening and watching out for me but I find it so hard sometimes just to truly trust. Of course, in retrospect, its always much easier to see through clouds that have already gone and to see the winding path that had so many pot holes but I'm still hoping and knowing through the darkness, God's holding my hand and pulling up every narrow path. It's hard to see even into next semester but I know deep down inside, that something is always better in store for things. Another trial though to continue to path that He's called me to travel. I guess maybe that Robert Frost meant in the Road less travelled, was the one that would mold one into the person they would become, through choices and taking the road less travelled... not going the norm. You could interpret that in two ways I guess, but for me, the road less travelled is the one where we become better people.

Anyway, let me stop boring you with my thoughts and tell you about my trip to Oregon.
I went down with my buddy Ivor (so I didnt have to drive a lone). I went to see my buddy Luke from my missions team last summer and Ivor went to see his brother. I must say, two things I have learned from this short trip:1) don't drive an echo although it saves gas 2) I'd be obsese if I lived in the states.
why? Answer for number 2 is that there is too much cheap food everyhwere. Which brings me to the pilgramage to Krispy Kreme which took us through service roads off the highway and highway ramps and traffic jams. But thank God the Neon Light was lit when I got there. I went inside and saw those donuts come off rite off the assembly line... and suddenly one of the workers shoves a donut in my face... i was like, is this free? SWEEET !!! (I was tempted to line up again for another one) but i refrained from doing so.
I'll make this more exciting but i'd rather tell it in person so you can see my drool as I talk about 'donuts... awwuuggg..." (Think Homer Simpson)


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