The weather is screwed up. If trees had a psyche, they'd all need psychologists by now. It was 16 Degrees Celcius today. What a ridiculous amount of heat. Well, it wouldn't be as bad if they didn't keep turning up the heat in my apartment. I swear, its because of this ridiculous sauna type environment that makes our fruit go ripe faster.
well, as you can see from Adrian's site, he has undergone heavy renovations. His knowledge of HTML will soon surpass mine and I will be forced to close down and revert back to using Dreamweaver to build my other site. nOT! (Man, thanks to blogger, I save so much time without having to deal with HTML crap)
So today, I was once again mistaken to be filipino by a security guard (who's filipino) cuz he wanted to stay tite w/ his people. Turns out he was a big martial arts fanatic and I told him I was actually Chinese from Hong Kong, he kept talking about martial arts. For those of you who don't know me all that well, martial arts is one of my secret obsessions: to fight along side with Jet Li battling oppressive Chinese dictators and doing 590 degree spins and unleashing a flurry of 1000 kicks. My style will probably be "phoenix claw" and "mountain bamboo pulverized meat fist". Anyway, he 's really interested in doing Thai Boxing so i'll have to give my Sifu a call. I've been too tired and lazee to go these days :p
But seriously, do i really look that filipino? I've been mistaken for Thai, Guatemalan, Native American, Mixed and the most popular one of all, Filipino. I guess i'm pretty well rounded as an asian! POWAH TO DER PEEPO!