Back in the apple.
I ate my first non-meat meal yesterday. Surprisingly, it was pretty good. Thank you people of South Asia for discovering curry. Once in awhile I think I can do that but nothing tastes as good as a good ole piece of pork chop.
Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Hope you get something useful out of this page. If not, hope you were entertained. If not, well, i don't know why you're here. Maybe cuz i begged and grovelled.
Back in the apple.
In response to Adrian's comment on the price of street meat: 4 dollars is about 5.20 canadian. And when you are making USD's then i guess its just face value. But who knows, its all relative to the cheapness of everything else I have eaten. 2.75 in Chinatown means like 4 dollars CDN. But then again, who cares?
1 Good thing about New York out of the 364009093 crappy things is the street meat: halal food - Chicken on rice price: $4.
Terrorist Alert- go ahead, urban renewal is needed.