Note to self: Don't Force a wire frame rendering on your Computer model when your model has about 10's of thousands of complex objects ... i knew i should have taken out those toilet bowls.
Sunday, November 30, 2003
i think my body is like refusing to give in to the desires of sleep and rather work into the wee hours of the morning.
This is truly unhealthy.
only 44 hours till Jon's deadline 11:59pm MOnday nite.
come on Presario 2800.... YOU CAN RENDER FASTER!
(note: Delirium usually kicks in at 3:50 am in the morning.... reality becomes blurry...)
Saturday, November 29, 2003
2 DAys and 21 hours and 46 minutes to my own deadline which is a day before.
computer's are so useful... if it died. i'd freak
Thursday, November 27, 2003
I think some relationships seem to be fickle in the sense one minute you seem like you're friends, but the next, you don't know what you're trying to hold on to. Then there are those friendships that you know you don't really need to maintain cuz its this deeper connection when you talk to the person, you're able to communicate beyond words.
Sunday, November 23, 2003
my poor, poor computer. Note: Laptops are not necessarily good for doing hard core graphical rendering. I think my computer is going through its final stages in its life.
2nd Note: Don't buy Compaq products next time; i.e. HP products. Do Computers come with internal cooling units?
I have a love hate relationship with 3D studio Viz. While I wait for it to process its radiosity solution (some mathematical equation that makes lighting effects look way cool), i am blogging. Oh look its done.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
"....just dont navel-gaze now and you'll reach heights where navel-gazing is so profound, you'd need a flashlight to see your lint...."- 8W
Monday, November 17, 2003
Man, I can't believe I have time to write this... but I guess its a breather from school and stuff. Getting pretty ansy about the final presentation in about two weeks time... I can't believe it but it's almost coming to an end! If any of you believe in prayer, please pray for me for the completion of this thesis because I really have been stumped all semester.
Ah well, anyway, hope all is well with people. Will write more soon as the holidays approach.
Great. The Metro is down. Either I have to get up super early to go to school, or go to school in the late afternoon. What kind of transit system do we have? i could walk to school but that'll probably take forever. Its already too late for the early shifts of the buses.
Saturday, November 15, 2003
So I'm here writing a blog as to kill time while my Tectonics model is setting . The term setting refers to the hardening of a material such as concrete or plaster. I'm using plaster for my model because everyone else is using it and it seems to be the most 'simple' in some ways of building a model although i've already discovered it is a pain in the butt to use.
I can't believe there are only 2 1/2 weeks left. I am going hardcore at this point in time and trying to do as much as i can just to finish things up. I lagged behind cuz of stupid ideas not coming out properly and making me hate thesis more than ever.
I don't know if what I am doing is what I should be doing. Yet somehow, it feels like it is this challenge that I need to conquer in order to do anything in life.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Sorry for my lack of dedication to this site. Thesis has consumed my life and I have these rare tidbits in life to be able to write these random blabbings. After December 8th, you will probably be bombarded by bytes of ramblings on things I have promised to write about.
Until then, stay tuned for sporadic tidbits of info. I apologize for the lack of content.
until then, click on the links or come back and read and leave your own comments so I can post them.
So I did this test

ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population. |
Entertainer eh? I don't think I am.. I thought I wrote that I value solitude realtively immensely.....