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Friday, January 02, 2004

Another awesome day of hanging out minus the bathroom experience but don't worry, I'll be sparing you the details as things like this get kind of old. On another note, I almost got chased by a bald fat man for taking his picture. Well, at least in my mind. Today, Erx played tour guide as she took us through Little India. So we were taking some small street to get to some monster Indian version of Walmart, Jasper was talking about photography with Erx and myself. Jasper kept remarking that I should take photographs of people and that they make more interesting subjects. I thought alley ways were more interesting to photograph but he insisted that people were cooler to take pictures of and that you shouldn't be afraid. I still persisted that it would be dangerous to take pictures of people especially in a foreign country where you do not know the roads because if you upset people (for some reason, most people hate having their picture taken. Perhaps they think you're mentally violating them) they might just chase you down. so Anyway, there was this guy waxing his truck pretty close by. He kept eyeballing us and as I finally gave way to Jasper's nagging, I pointed the camera in that direction and the guy for some reason had an invisible eye on the top of his bald head and pointed at me just as I snapped a shot (trying very hard to be inconspicuous) in his direction. Then I yelled, "I was shooting a picture over there!" (like pointing past him). Then we turned around and walked off before I could catch anymore of his evil eye. Jasper of course had to make his remark about how i should have just taken the photo and then run for it. I don't think he realizes, that he could have probably 1) chased us in his truck that he was waxing 2) the fact that he could have a million indians on our tails and I'd have to heroically use my art of jon-fu on them. 3) He most likely knew the area much better than us.

In the end, we were thankful that nothing happened.

On that note, my paranoia not only comes in with foreign places but foreign animals. I went on a night safari last night with Erx and Jasper. A night safari I might mention is pretty much a safari on foot and there are no fences between you and the animals. I might add that I have a paranoia complex of uncertainty and cannot be scared at all. I cannot handle any sudden movements or I react very poorly (usually aggresively).
Least to say, after walking past a tree with sleeping bats that were as big as my head, I am happy to say that my machoness has not been compromised.


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