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Saturday, December 27, 2003

Another year come and go. Lessons learned, lessons forgotten; friendships strengthened, friendships lost; people come, people go; more hair on my face, less hair on my head. It's hard to summarize a year's worth of experiences but nevertheless, it is neat to see the boundless blessings in my life and in a strange way, excited to venture into the unknown.

A part of me feels like I'm reaching quarterlife crisis; another part feels like I'm gonna be growing up a lot faster than I'd like but in the end, it's not really what I want to do that matters but what I know what God wants me to do that matters. Questions that often permeate our minds but often overshadowed by life and the process of the struggle, now resurface still without answers. Then I wonder, am I asking the right questions or am I just looking in the wrong direction? It is easy to attribute our success to God but even harder to accept that He will take our success to places that we never imagine. I'm still confused about this whole figuring out God's plan for me thing or whether or not completely switching fields is a great idea. We often wonder if we could see the future, then life would be so much easier but I don't think it would be any easier because we'd be left without choice. It would probably just as difficult to make decisions based on your future because by knowing your future, any decision you would make would ultimately end up in what you foresaw. Would that be all that fun? Perhaps, or perhaps not. I think as mere mortals with a finite capacity for understanding, when we want to say, "I wish I knew what was ahead", we are in fact saying "I want the ideal situation for me." By ideal, I mean, the self-measure of satisfaction, what we would perceive to be the place of contentment. Often, any situation we end up in is 'ideal' in the sense that ultimately, in the grander scheme of things (usually determined in retrospect) it shapes us into the way we are. But because as humans, our pertanicious attitudes towards the fact that we are masters of our own fate, causes us to fret and stress when we don't know what lies ahead.

To find one's purpose in life ultimately is determined by our choice. Is it still choice if we only have one option? Or is it no longer an option but a force of direction? Yet, it is by these choices that make our life experience interesting. Ultimately, it is the purpose in our lives that should cause us to think about the choices we do make.


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