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Wednesday, January 01, 2003

First Blog of the year. Anything important to say? Not really, except I feel totally bored and uninspired to do anything exciting. After eating a buffet and feeling all the blood from my head gone to my stomach to digest the pounds of food i just injested, I am now spending new years sitting at home and not doing much. It's another dark and rainy day in Vancouver. I probably have that seasonal mood disorder thingy. Cuz when its cloudy, it makes me tired. Then again, what else is there to do but sleep?

Anyways, been sifting through my old songs looking for things that I've written but tossed on the side. (I'll post them on the poetics site ) but haven't exactly worked on them... Funny how sentiment can come back to haunt you and cause one to dig into the recesses of the nostalgic compartments of one's heart and release a flood of overwhelming memories. Then it of course makes one think, if there is a permanent delete of these memories or an emotional trash can that gets emptied. Perhaps we learn to lug these weights around and although they remain scars on our hearts and one becomes stronger in the end. Yet somehow we need to learn to keep these sentiments from opening again to release a pain that once again haunts the vast halls of our memories and learn to view them through the vessels that contain these painful/nostalgic memories and remember how they have shaped and molded us.

I don't know what I am writing here but just some random thoughts that I've thought about. Random Babble. To go where no man has gone before.


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