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Thursday, August 15, 2002

Well, time to post my random babble for the day. So as I was saying before I lost my entire blog of nothing, I was about to write about the asian government's plan to train asian people and to make them genetically have strong legs. Us north american's have become soft because we don't need to use teh Squatty Potty (SP) and the sP is the ultimate tool that has been used for generations to build strong legs. Think about it, one needs to release some unwanted brown friends from the rectal cavity at least a few times a day (some more than others ... ahem... mr .A.F.)... and what better place to train than in the can? So thats why shaolin monks developed their kung fu a lot faster... as you know the horse stance that is assumed in the bathroom is also assumed in all martial arts to help develop the strenght of the legs as in to improve the balance in the art of fighting and martial arts. Of course, as asians, time is such a precious thing so as to save time as well and not to waste it, the SP was used from the dawn of asian civilization. Of course, along came the wonderful invention of Sir Thomas Crapper, greatly facilitating the sanitization of the city carrying all local waste to another place and not deposited only 5 feet from the place where you release your anxiety.
So in order to maintain the training of the secret arts, platforms were built around the 'western' potty and maintained the true original form of the 'fecal tower " (SEE TAHP"-in cantonese) and allowed for the 5' Average asians to still build their leg muscles and scale 8 foot walls (Jackie Chan anyone? )

of course, this is all a theory and perhaps isn't true but think about it? Why do we still use the SP in Asia? Of course the logical answer as well is to save water and manually flush the toilet. That way we'll save lots of water. and not have to flush as much. Unfortunately, we didn't have this privilege in Guatemala and had to save the water and only flushed when it turned very yellow.

I think our toilet is clogged again.

stupid drains.


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