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Friday, August 02, 2002

Well, lets just say whoever wants to see "The Touch." with Michelle Yeoh (directed by Peter Pau or as i thot, Peter Pan) , Just go buy Once upon a time in China parts one to three and have a marathon and you'll be more entertained than this movie that has seriously touched fecal matter before it hit the screen. I'm not even gonna bother telling you the plot but basically, the guy actor in that movie made KEanu REeves look like an Oscar Winner (well maybe not) but I could have done a better job. He was some ABC guy trying to be cool and do stupid fight scenes. There's one part where his ugly girlfriend dies and the next scen shows his face all splashed with tears as he's holding on for dear life to avoid being barbequed in the burning inferno below. I nearly burst out laughing... IT WAS sooo OVER DRAMATIZED. Anyway, i'll get really mad if I keep talking about it.
Speaking of spit, us chinese people eat the strangest things if you think about it. TO me, Swallows 'nest (combined with their saliva) is a wonderful delicacy which apparently does wonders for your health. It actually has no smell to it and is just like tasteless but it tasted pretty good with the combination of mangos and mango pudding and mango icecream. Of course, as a chinese person, we're used to seeing the entire digestive tract of a cow stewing slowly in a pot and the idea of mashed up fish thats so pasty that it can be rolled into lil round balls and cooked in curry and eaten on a stick. Think about a caucasian person who only knows Fish in the form of fillets and chunks, who sees this. And to think the only real part of the cow they ever see is the ribs or the butt (where your steaks come from) But to the chinese person, its normal.

Food. what can we do without it?

I had something to say but forgot what i was going to say.
Ah yes, I have started an epidemic of bloggers. IT seems everyone has something to say. OF COURSE! THe internet is such a wonderful medium to be used to express oneself. THink about it. You can assume the identity of another person, have a sex change without damaging your body, have 'sex' without sacrificing your chastity, be a secret agent, be all that you can be, pretend you know 20 types of martial arts, insult people without having to ever know that you were the one that insulted them, block off unwanted hate mail that people send back to you, and most of all, you're in the safety of your own home, behind a computer monitor.
Of course, yes, we all have an opinion and want to voice it somehow, but often we are too shy and reserved (some of us) to really truly express that.
Ah the internet, the new age of dating, and accessibility of information to anything anytime. Then again, its also possible for people to be misinformed by some stupid rumor that someone starts. ITs quite funny how people will be so ignorant to what people send them through email, like those, donate 10 Cs/name by sending everyone on your email list.... And those petitions... honestly, where do those end up going? Who keeps count? YOUR Internet company? And those stupid stories about kentucky Fried Chicken being genetically altered in tubes.... seriosuly, do you think KFC would rather just feed chickens than grow them in tubes... wouldn't it be cheaper to maintain a bunch of real chickens? Sometimes, people just kinda believe what they read. and don't think about it. You gotta think. Or you're just a sheep (No offense alli. but sheep are dumb and blind and need a guide... and need major deodorant)

anyway, random babble for the day

Brian McKnight plays the bass because Fred Hammond did.


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