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Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Wow. Its finally Tuesday. I always await my lunchtimes anxiously so i can eat crappy food. Hey its cheap. its like a little less than 5 bux CDN (which is like 3.30 US for you American dollar earners) and its pretty filling.

Hmm. what can I write about today? Ah i know, Women who wear stilts to be taller. well, not stilts exactly but platform shoes are pretty much close to it. I cannot understand how you expect to walk on those 6 inch think blocks of rubber/wood/cork/goldfish tanks and not fall. Frankly, I think women shold be secure in their own stature and not make us men feel like we can't protect you. Besides, being tall isn't that good anyway.... your legs get taken out first anyway.... and say what happens when smoeone like tries to attack you or mug you? YOu can't run? What, grab the window of the second story of the building you're closest to? Us guys who are meant to protect you ladies, are now way too shotr and out of reach to save you. well i guess you could take bigger strides and out run the attacker.
On another note on that, I guess now we can ask you to reach for the stuff in the upper bookshelf, or for that hemmerhoid cream thats tucked away in the top shelf in the pharmacy.
Let me just EMPHASIZE, that the statements made about platform shoes are in no way my attack on the way the female population likes to dress because guys have platform shoes. My statements are not meant tobe chauvinistic in anyway and I hope none of You readers will take offence becuase i am by no means a chauvinist. I believe in opening doors for ladies and letting ladies go first. Although in HK, thats a different matter ... cuz when that happens, everyone rushes in and it'll take you at least a good 5 minutes to push your way back through the door. Then you realize, the person you opened the door for isn't even through teh door yet.
So why the platform shoes? It will remain a mystery to me. And same with the whole concept of make up. Its almost like putting on a disguise for some girls. If they end up crying on your shoulder, and these girls have a tendency of wearing tons of make up, they might end up leaving their face on your shoulder and another person is actually crying on your shoulder (so you think). I remember some girls suddenly getting excited about a conversation on make up and talked about foudations and eyelash curlers, and some other stuff i had no idea what they were saying. it wasl ike lisetning to a langauge lesson in Hindi. Of course, i tried my best to join in but my knowledge of make up is pretty much nothing. I can talk about how hot that girl looked inthe cover girl commercial but thats about it. If you talk about how to bring out your cheekbones or how to make your eyes look like they have double folds (For us Asians that is), sorry, wrong department. Talk to me about Jet Li and how to pick your nose with your big toe, or how to pan fry a chipmunk, then maybe i can help you there.

It will always be a mystery.

Let me discuss the gawdiness of Shanghai /china architecture. There is such a lack of 'understanding', which is perhaps due to the lack of 'education' in that reagards, on what good archtiecture is. The idea of something 'nice' it seems in the chinese circles (once again, these viewpoints are made from an opinon that has been molded by Occidental Cerebration) pertains to misinterpreted and disproportionate classical forms that are mixed and matched like trying to jam jig saw puzzle pieces together and form whatever looks like the original. That's what I am attempting to work on for my supervisor rite now: putting together different 'classical' forms to form an elevation for some clubhouse in Shanghai. I guess i'll try to keep an open mind about this. I do believe that we need to leave behind the past and search for the future in the present. As rhetorical as that sounds, perhaps that is what makes good 'architecture'. Still, i am not saying that we leave the past completely behind because after all, we need something to build on. The way we build now is not the same as yesterday but it is based on its foundations ... that this is where we spawned ffrom and its just a variation on that ... to make constantly make that variation better and better. Its just like playing a tune on a musical instrument and continueing to perfect it to the poitn where the melody is still there but the variation of the melody has become so complex that it has made the tune surpass itself.

ok. enough rhetorics for today. BACK to the real world....

Brian McKnight Song of the week: Win (from the Hurricaine soundtrack)


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