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Wednesday, July 31, 2002

well ,its been a few days since i've updated... been busy with life etc... (you're wondering. JON HAS A LIFE?) actually, you're probably right, I don't exactly have a life. Monday night was a farewell thing for Joanne and we ended up staying out somewhat late. Cramming 10 people into a photo sticker type booth isn't the most pleasant of experiences... in most of the shots we took, I was in pain from being squished by Ricky and Oliver .... I ended up falling out of the booth after the pictures and in the process of getting up, i took the inch think layer of HK dirt off the groudn onto my back with me home. Some of you are wondering, "What's he blabbering about... sticker pictures." Well, for those of you who don't live amongst an asian population, a concept popularized by the Japanese (as always), to take photo stickers/ personal trading cards with some form of 'model' type look came into popularity i'd say probably about 6 years a go (at least when I first heard of them) Then, suddenly, you get unwanted pictures (most often than not, non-flattering ) of your friends all stuck in your agenda or on your PDA or on your computer monitor or text books. THen came the 'love getty' pictures, mainly targetting the young 21st century asian couple paying like 40 bux HK (like 8 BUX CDN or 5 something US) for a pair of cards that are photoshopped by the machine to make couples look like they just came out from a photoshoot. OThere's about a zillion templates all poorly edited (in terms of grammar..) things like "The Unbelieve summer" or "Iceness Sensation" OR stupid things like that.... Anyway, yeah, then of course, people get the bright idea of trying to make the guiness book of world records by shoving like 20 people in a booth which only has a limited angle of a lens and you see people climbing over each other to fight to be in the picture. Of course , you get the narcissits who are looking at the screen to see how they look instead of the camera and the picture ends up with them looking at themselves....

Anyway, enough about that. On a more serious note, I was talkign to a good friend the other day and she was telling me how she was just so sad to find out that two of her highschool friends had abortions. One of them was made pregnant by some kid who came from a pastor's family. Really really sad. And this kid encouraged the girl to get the abortion. Talk about irresponsible. It just made me sad.... I love babies. Esp. the ones with fat and big heads and big eyes. Makes me upset even to think that someone could kill something like that. Sure the argument lies where life begins rite? But I say, if we were all once an insignificant speck smaller than the period at the end of this sentence, then I'd say that 'd be life's beginning. Props to the single moms who kept their babies. I wrote a lil' something that i'll post later in the day.... It's actually a song (sounds sorta like my other one , She Dances) but its basically about the unborn Child's perspective.
I wrote it while getting really sick in the bus cuz I can't write and read on a moving vehicle.
Anyway, I got to lay down the track (instrumentals) and i'll record it when I get my hands on some recording equipment (I.e. when I get back to Adobo Studios aka. Jon and Adrian's Expression of Order in Chaos)

WHoo hoo, I finally got my 'hard earned' pay check today. i calculated. I made like 8 bux an hour this month. Not bad (CDN THAT IS!) and living at home and stuff, so that kinda is like some spendin' cash. Midiman Quattro, HERE I COME! BRING IT ON! WHOO HOO! (=P)
j/j. For those of you who have no idea what i 'm talking about, you still probably wouldn't even if I told you tis a USB Audio /Midi interface with 4 input for midi and audio/ and 4 outs. so basically 2ins 2 outs for audio and 1 midi in and 1 midi out. I can't wait.

So guys, I'm trying to stock up on my Jet li video CD collection and have so far succeeded to find some obscure Jet Li movies from ages ago. Turns out i have two of the same one. And I think i'm gonna go get Shaolin soccer... I think i left it in Florida. Well i wont be getting that anytime soon. Oh well. its like 5 bux CDN anyway so doesnt matter :)

I so wish though i was going to Toronto on August 17th. JUSTIS KAO in concert. Man, I would have made myself a T-shirt that has a picture of Justis on it (the one with his arms crossed and a big smile on his face. YOU KNOW WHICH I'm TALKING ABOUT JUS- (not to be confused with the word Juice in french... - just pronounced Jus. as in english) ) with the words "#1 Fan of the Justin Cow Fan CLub on the back" and picture on front saying "I'm OVER HERE JUSTIS!" ... then i 'll get those big foamy finger things that say number 1 on them.
i'll make one for Adrian too... "8W - My Eighth Wonder" But I have to find a picture of him. funny how when you're someone's roomate you don't really take pictures with them. I think the only pictures i have of alli (Who also is almost like a roomate xcept she lives down the hall) Are the ones we took at convocation. And we've lived inthe same building for two YEARS!

My mom and brother are back. I was conveniently woken up by the scream of my lil' brother who dives into my bed and attacks me and tellsm e he missed me. Sweet. but not that sweet when he starts wanting to steal my Warcraft iii. GuesS I got some maturity issues. I pointed out to him that the rating said, T- for TEENS. and that he wasn't old enuf to play it. I don't think it'll be good for him anyway. scary stuff. I got a lil' freaked from that game myself. But its a fun game :)

Tonight i am going to help out bonnie , my friend from missions team with CTI (carpenters tools) , with a singsporation thing at this camp that she's helping out at. So it'll be like CTI. :) I can't wait.
Speaking of CTI, NAte Finally called me. I had to keep my composure and not squeal like a girl when I heard his oh so sexy voice on the fone. J/j. no, but he has a great singing voice. Talented guy. GOod man. Miss him a lot.
So i'll catch them sometime soon I guess. Anyway, time to SIGN OFF!

APparently, Brian Mcknight is really good friends with michael Jordan.


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