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Tuesday, August 06, 2002

I must say , the dinner conversation revovled around very interesting topics from nasal exfoliation to sentimentality of a person, to Justin And Vince battling it out on Otello (on Justin's Palm) .... of course, Amy, neglected all my warnings of how bad the movie "The Touch" is and still went to go see it. Hm. you must be wondering who all these people are. WEll, they're just people from church that I go to here from all over the globe.

Oh, for those of you know how I got hooked on this green tea beverage (by TaoTi), they came out with a grapefruit flavored green tea. ITS SOOOO GOOD! (Ivor, believe me, I am hooked once again) It all started back in the summer of 2001 when I saw an article somewhere saying that green tea burns fat. cold green tea. Dont know if its true cuz i'm still kinda fat. Guess not. ITs like those people drinking diet coke with their xlarge fries and double whoppers. It still amazes me to see all the fat people in the States and slowly, in CAnada and definitely in HK. Lotsa fat people here. I don't know why but I geuss its all the GOOD cheap food they have here. but I figure they walk around so much, you'd sweat it off.

So today, it rained like a mother. I.E. it rained sideways, upwards, downwards.... everyway imaginable.... I thought the sky came down.... of course hte embarassing thing is my mom being a mom, made my brother and I purposely late so she'd drive us. I was about to go get teh bus in my wonderfully compact yet, unbearably not breathable, MEC raincoat (yellow) but ended up never using it. You'd think the weather people would say it d be too dangerous to go to work cuz of the rain (yes, it does happen here) but no, my brother was anxiously hoping they'd change it to the "black" cloud warning so that we'd still get paid but don't have to work.
Reminds me of a story how the weather department is quite useless... It was probably 10 years ago and i was a young lil' 12 yr old going to school by myself at the crack of dawn. It was raining like a BEAst but i never knew that you didnt have to go to skool. Turns out the buses sometimes dont' like to run in horrible weather. So i stood at the bus stop for like EONS and during this time, there was a torrential current that was literally coming down the steep road where I Was waiting for the bus (Iddint ever remember living by the water front) and of course, my umbrella was prety much uselss becuz it was raining sideways and my grey slacks (Part of the wonderful school uniform) looked like i had a really bad bladder problem..... and diarrhea all at once.. basically my pants were soaked (Sorry for that earlier picture)
anyway, i pretty much walked down the hill because the bus looked like a human sardine can with wheels and I didnt wanna get in (or couldn't get on to ) the bus.

Anyway, to make it short, I made it to the subway station by school only to discover that I had to pretty much swim to school cuz the road was flooded.
So I went home. I left home at 6:30am. I got home at 10 am.
no school.

anyway, i still remember that. oh well. :) now i have a yellow rain coat. :)


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