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Monday, January 19, 2004

I must say that Hong Kong weather is so strange. For the longest time, it never rained and then God decided its time to water the lawn so it's been pouring since. Hong Kong rain in the winter is very similar to Vancouver winters. Unfortunately, the experience of taking a stroll outside is quite different to that of Vancouver (other than the difference of driving in Vancouver vs. taking public transport in HK). The biggest difference however is that being closer in distance to the top of the skyscrapers in HK as opposed to the majority of the HK population, people's umbrellas often are at eye level with me. I fear walking in the rain mainly due to the fact that I never know if I will lose my eye sight after a 15 minute walk to the shopping mall. For some reason, people hate wearing rain coats because you know, they don't like maneuvring quicker through crowds or don't mind the fact that there is already very little walking space and by opening one's umbrella, one has just increased human density in the street. Or maybe it is because of the fact that by opening an umbrella, you've created a personal space around you and won't get accidently inappropriately touched by the 30 people around you. See if I were any shorter, I wouldn't have to bring an umbrella because I could just walk under the people who already have their umbrellas open and because there's so many people, it'd be like walking under a covered walkway where the columns constantly move so you have to dodge them.

Needless to say, I try to walk in the street with my raincoat to avoid accidents that could remove my vision permanently. Then again, walking on the street poses the danger of actually losing my life to a passing double decker bus going like 100 Km in a bustling congested area. Hmm.. Hard choice.


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