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Wednesday, August 07, 2002

well, lemme just say that i'm trying to learn to be patient with my mom. So now the world will know that about the women who are turning late 40's are beginning their meno pause. DANG CLEAR THE ROOM! seriously. apparently one of my aunt's is Mping (as my term will now refer to menopause) and she has a cow every few seconds (must be emptying out the system). Apparently, she yelled at my gramma for something (i think my whole family thinks my gramma isn't a nice lady... cuz she's da woman. dont mess with her. she'll chew you up) anyway. now my mom today has been having her sporadic spasms ... I went out for a run with a sweatshirt on. Ok. yes, its dumb to wear a sweatshirt in like 29Degree Celcius weather ( about 90 something degrees for you american folk who refuse to swtich to the International system of measurement) but hey, i wanna SWEAT BABEE! . so anyway, after a nice workout of running up and down my stairs, i come inthe shoue looking like a REAL man (i.e. all sweaty and glistening face and biceps) and my mom yells at me and sez i'm being dumb and wasting the worlds resources for wasting the water that is gonna go into the washing of my sweatshirt. I'm like... OK. Don't have a nother cow... or we're gonna have enough for two villages! (ok i hope some of u caught that joke cuz i'm not explaning it)

anyway, i shouldn't have yelled back but man, i HATE IT when she yells. cuz it pisses me off cuz she's totally being unreasonable and i cannot stand unreasonable people.... Anyway, i think MPing is a horrible thing... women should have a solitary chamber called the PMS chamber... esp. for MPers.... I should design one for my thesis. THE MenoPAuse ROOM. For Women 40+ and women who PMS. (Basically applied to most of the women) although some ore quite good about it... :) I guess it depends on the person. BUT WHAT DO I KNOW!? I think i only found out this year that women have a period for about a week. I thought it just kinda came and then left.... like you bleed once. and thats it.
LAugh LAUGH ALL YOU WANT! but hey, at least i am informed now. I'm SURE SOME OF YOU GUYS READING THIS DIDNT KNOW (or mebbe u did and I was left in the dark.) so anyway, this PMS room would have you know, Android men who would come and compliment you and then if you didnt like them you could yell back at these android men, throw a chair at them and they would not retalitate.... of course, this room would be soudnproof should you be attacked back by the malfunctioning android set on defend mode, then thats another story. Of course if you yelled at the android, you couldn'thurt their feelings anyway. So of course for hte MPers, since this is a LONGER process, I guess the room wil lbe equiped with a window (for meals) and a computer for access to the www.mpersRus.com where you find solace / or constant bickering and increasing your typing speed at the sametime as to facilitate a quicker comeback.

Anyway, this probably makes no sense and i'm getting really tired.

Yawn. oh, i was listening to Boyz II men and Baby face and it brought me back to good times in highschool where I was nervous as what to ask a girl to dance to One sweet day( morbid as it maybe, the song was bout death)


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