Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Hope you get something useful out of this page. If not, hope you were entertained. If not, well, i don't know why you're here. Maybe cuz i begged and grovelled.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Sunday. begins at 6:30 am with me dragging myself out of bed and then getting to the bus stop by 6:45 where I wait for the M96 to drag me across town to grab the subway down to 72nd and go to 76th street by 7:30am to setup for service. Then I play two services and then get a short 3 hour break before i head back to the East Side to play another two services. 10pm i get home.

On that note, my new blog site is up: meta4ical.blogspot.com. Just random drivel of my mind so feel free to drop in your thoughts or tickle your brain if you so choose to.

Thanksgiving is coming up. Seems like its a huge holiday here. Too bad its only on Thursday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jon! how come you have so many blog accounts! ahhah

9:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah - that was oliver, and so is this

9:40 AM


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