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Monday, September 08, 2003

Saw more stars this weekend and also went spelunking. For those of you who don't know what spelunking is , it isn't when you throw a rock into the water and it makes the 'spelunk' sound; instead, it involves the exploration of caves formed (in our case, remants of glaciers long melted) underground with passages that could cause instant claustrophobia. So imagine 12 Chinese people all stuck in a EXTREMELY NARROW passage where I wished being 8 again were an asset, and trying to go through where certain rock formations (As so eloquently put by J.Kan) would castrate a man if not careful. Needless to say, after much screaming and yelling (in a very enclosed space), I was glad to get out of there especially having to have passed gas about 10 times. Thank goodness they were LAP farts (Loud and Proud) as opposed to N. Seto's SBD's (silent but deadly) . I don't know what was going through my head when I decided to go and venture into that passage. Must have been peer pressure and the fact that I had to be manly and not chicken out. Besides, when would you ever go into a narrow space other than a ventilation shaft on an infiltration mission to save the world?

Besides that, I was completely exhausted because I had to carry joe's pack which had everyone's stuff in it which included cameras and about 6 bottles of 750 mL of water which contributed 12 -15 extra pounds on my back excluding all the other stuff that Joe had in his pack (Joe had a bad back). Of course, I had to keep it dry for fear of electrocution and damaging people's cameras. So, of course, at one point where the ceiling was so low and the water level was pretty high, I had to submerse myself into the water to preserve the absence of water in Joe's pack. Needless to say, everyone emerged relatively dry and I, well, pretty wet. Good thing I wore my paint covered McGill school of architecture shirt.


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