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Saturday, July 19, 2003

So I probably have a million things to write about my non-substantial existence (as I soon hope to discover through our church fellowship group, that we all have a purpose thanks to mr. Rick Warren who has probably definitely found a lot of purpose in writing his book. Not to mention the fact that he's definitely made a killing on writing about a purpose driven life.)

So about a month and a half ago, I was on my way back to Vancouver from Montreal for a two week visit and I happen to be sitting next to a blonde mid forties woman. Let me just emphasize that I never meet good looking women/girls on airplane flights. (There's probably some divine reason for it too.) Anyway, since I was in the aisle, Brigitte (her name as she introduced herself with the smell of alcohol on her breath) was next to me and a nice guy named Dean (I found out his name as a result of Brigitte's inebriated uninhibited talkative state). She starts talking with Dean and myself about how she's a little drunk and how she is afraid of flying even though her father was a captain on the Air Canada fleet. Actually, she was more afraid of the take-off then anything and so she asks Dean and myself if she could hold our hands while the plane took off. So imagine a somewhat wasted mid forties woman, a chinese kid, and a middle aged contractor (which I found out of course) all holding hands as the plane took off.
Man. What a weird experience. Anyway, she kept thanking us and kept chatting for the next 4 hours. Well, At some point, we did stop talking and we all fell asleep but somehow, because of the crapiness of Air Tango's seats, she had no head rest thingy and almost landed on my shoulder at which point, I kinda woke up and hoped that she would lean very FAR to the other side towards Dean.

Then later when we were all awake, she kept insisting that Dean looked like Tom Arnold, one of her favorite actors. Dean had no idea who she was talking about and I swear at points, we made these looks at each other which basically thought the same thing, "This woman is nuts." Then she went on and on about the crappiness of Air Tango and how she had to pay for everything including the food (I mean, I guess she vocalized my thoughts but was more obnoxious and rude about it) Then she went on to yap on about her hippy days and went on and on about drugs, sex, smoking.. you name it. She probably did it. But hey, it's not every day you meet an loud blonde woman. So I humored her and smiled and nodded when necessary.

I thought the plane ride would never end.


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