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Thursday, July 01, 2004

I am so tired. I forgot what I was doing at work today.
I met up w/ Mike Plummer today. It was nice to see a familiar face in an unfamiliar landscape. Mike and I played together in C.O.R. (choir of Reconciliation). I like to write as if I were in Gr.5.

Ate my first and last expensive meal in NY. cost me close to 40 USD. Let us not convert please into Canadian. It hurts.

Canada Day and I am working.


Blogger Justin Cheung said...

working on canada day? welcome to the working world mofo...i had to work 10-midnight on a friggin' sunday. grrr.

11:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi jon! it's gloria. How are you? we miss you jon! Come back and visit!

8:27 PM


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