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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

it's 3:05pm on a tuesday afternoon and i have a lot of work to do except for some reason, my mind is so scattered. there's still a lot to be done for dave and fanny's wedding (on my part) in terms of getting the music together. if they've read this, dave and fanny: i'm all ready to go.

funny how creativity smacks you in the head when you are hard pressed for time but i am set. I'll post the lyrics later.

it's wedding season again folks. i think this is wedding number 3 this year excluding the one's i didn't go to. i think there's at least one more that i may attend.

and then there's probably 30 next year. To be honest, it's nice to know that my friends do get married and honor this holy institution that was set in motion before time.

Aside from the spiritual/moral/theological reasons for marraige, it gives people a chance to enjoy sappy music. I know all of you readers listen to some form of wedding music in the form of 98 degrees when no one is around. you know who you are. you don't need to click on 9 inch nails now.


Blogger Sheila said...

hey i LOVE you and me by lifehouse. it's my new favorite song. besides the havana nights soundtrack which is amazing.
did u go to mcgill in the 80's??

10:50 PM


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